Friday, June 29, 2007

I am Mumfie, almost here. Look upon my scan, ye flighty and yipee!

An Mumfie came near the whirl. An alloo herd of Mumfie did joice. Yay! wenda all. Many yay!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Concerning Marpasian dimwits and other fabulations

Onet upon awhirl. A lipple man scribbed a plot. Other lipple washed themsouls in it deep. They patted they underharms wiv a trowel of his works. Hall dampless thay tappied into work proclusers notiongs about his many magfulnesses. Reed these.

The Irish Examiner - 03/07/07 - Round up of Midsummer festival

The Irish Times - 26/06/07

The Irish Examiner - 25/06/07

The Evening Echo - 25/06/07

Irish Independant 29/06/07

Interview - The Cork Independant - 14/06/07

An imaginative child of 32

Whey back when in nunety nunety fab. Hi put on a shew. Twas pottery and stamp top comulates. Praps hi mite hab beed snuffling tu bany majik murkles on the nib.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bibble and bonnets

This is the poster for a poetry reading I did back in 94 - for a self published piece of fibble that I was hoiking around at the time. A collection of sonnets and the gimmick was --- Wait for it... There was 14 of them. What a concept. Now what would be a suitable portentious title for it... Lemme thunk...

Squirrel farts and cabbage trees

Back in the back ago, a harry man had flicky fingules. Tapitty tapitty went they on the kules. Great thorts in malumatackal flumelas. Ooohh wemt the many. This was buck in ninetune hatey none.
See the harry man. His heam is harry as are his bowls.
Other less harry men and womlings gaze in hadorpation.
Oooohh wemt the many.

On nailing your own head to the table

And here are a few scans from my first produced play - Back in 1999. Makes me tear up to think on it. Hatch 22 - It started out as a kinda gangsta play about a guy returning to his hometown from the foreign legion to encounted a whole heap a trouble. There was also a door to door salesman who, absolutely had to make the next sale or he would lose everything. Dan Dan Dan! Who forces his way into a room where a hit is taking place... Breathtaking stuff - It ended up being about a couple who couldn't have children and their imaginative flights of fancy to escape their sorrow... Don't ask me how.