Monday, July 02, 2007

Meat Flyer

Meat Production Photies

These photies were taken by Olan Wrynn, the set designer.

Meat Program

This program, along with the poster, were created by Frank Prendergast. Pretty sweet.

Friday, June 29, 2007

I am Mumfie, almost here. Look upon my scan, ye flighty and yipee!

An Mumfie came near the whirl. An alloo herd of Mumfie did joice. Yay! wenda all. Many yay!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Concerning Marpasian dimwits and other fabulations

Onet upon awhirl. A lipple man scribbed a plot. Other lipple washed themsouls in it deep. They patted they underharms wiv a trowel of his works. Hall dampless thay tappied into work proclusers notiongs about his many magfulnesses. Reed these.

The Irish Examiner - 03/07/07 - Round up of Midsummer festival

The Irish Times - 26/06/07

The Irish Examiner - 25/06/07

The Evening Echo - 25/06/07

Irish Independant 29/06/07

Interview - The Cork Independant - 14/06/07